SharkStriker Partner Center

One platform for all SharkStriker partner-specific challenges.

Single-stop growth hub for cybersecurity partners

No longer will partners struggle to keep track of their business’ progress. With Partner Center, we offer our partners the arsenal they need to seamlessly make the most of their business opportunities and proactively address their customers’ cybersecurity and compliance needs. The following are the unique values offered by SharkStriker Partner Center.

Security Insights
Sales Dashboards
Marketing Vault
Sales Engineering
Trust Center
Sec Ops

One-stop for taking cybersecurity business to the next level

Through our unified platform STRIEGO we are offering a dedicated centralized hub that caters to all our partner specific needs such that they can get dedicated support, centralized control and the much-needed insights they need to carve their growth journey. 

It will provide them with the tools they need to help their customers navigate stress free in a highly evolving threat landscape and a volatile compliance environment.

SharkStriker’s Partner Center offers immense benefits to business. With it partners can keep track of the cybersecurity posture, gain insights on customer behavior, get a dedicated library of all marketing and sales assets, get instant access to all agreements and SOPs followed by SOC.  

Explore the SharkStriker Partner Center